Friday, February 25, 2011

End of The Days:December 2012 end of the World or another Day?

Everyone seems to be talking about December 21, 2012 date. Many people speculate that the world will come to a final cataclysmic that day. Others say that it is so-ated de-nada - life will be the same as any other day. There has been much written and much has been said on 21/12/2012. Why does such a buzz about this date? What is everything? December 21, 2012 it will bring about the end of the world, or will one day? This article attempts to answer these questions.

The ancient Maya of Mexico and Central American civilization was advanced in areas such as architecture, the arts, mathematics and science, including astronomy. Mayan astronomers developed incredibly timetable which stretched for thousands of years, ends abruptly in the date December 21, 2012. What this means is open to conjecture and Maya do not explain, but many people have concluded that this date will bring large change or the end of the world. Some believe that it is a great positive spiritual change of some kind, others believe it will be the start of a catastrophic if not apocalyptic event.

Believers in an apocalyptic end-of-world scenario predicts a number of possible events that could bring the end of the world. Some of the most notable capabilities include:

-Galactic alignment
-Comet or an asteroid collision with Earth
-Increase in solar activity
-Change of magnetic poles of the Earth
-The black hole of explosion
-De Gamma Ray
-Global nuclear or biological warfare
-Super volcano
-Disease pandemic
-Cosmic rays
-Displacement of the Earth's crust
-Alien invasion
-Religious revelation

With all the predictions about 2012, many people are worried about the future. "How we plan for a catastrophic event," "what we can do to stop it?" and "how we can survive it?" are just some of the questions about this date. However, in spite of all speculation, uncertainty and questions unanswered, even the best educated minds not can predict with certainty what will happen. No one can not know really, they can at least human on Earth.

This author refers the reader to the Bible where Jesus answered the question about when was nearing the end. In the book of Matthew, chapter 24, verse 36, Jesus said, "but that day and hour no one knows, the angels of heaven, nor the son but only father." If we want to believe what the Bible says, and do many people, we can conclude that the Mayans and nobody could accurately predict the end of the world, because only God knows when. In fact, Jesus himself, who claimed to be the son of God, didn't even know.

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