Monday, February 28, 2011

Surviving the Apocalypse 2012 Hype

Signs of the Apocalypse 2012 are numerous. A detailed explanation is given below.
Maya calendars which said that being the end more specific calendars for year 2012. It is expected that the end of the calendar, a new age will start from zero, meaning the end of life. Maya followed mainly three calendars. a solar calendar, which was long 365 days and a Saint calendar was 260 days long. These two calendars in sync every 52 years. They also followed a long account calendar. This calendar long account started in Colombia - British 3114 and will soon be at an end; It is supposed to bring great destruction to life on the planet.

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2012 will be a very interesting year. The United States will be a presidential election. Worldwide, elections will also take place in France, the Mexico and Ireland. Freedom Tower will be completed in New York. Olympic Games summer will take place in London, England. New probe Orion the expected to be completed and begin to support missions to the International Space Station.

However, for many, the most anticipated and promoted event in 2012 be the end of the world as we know it. The end of the crowd of Y2K world back. Since everyone has survived at the beginning of this millennium without incident, they now calibrate their end of times revelation clocks to a new date 21 12, 2012. This new revelation date coincides with the end of the calendar ancient Maya long account. The maya calendar that spans more than 5,000 years, ends on December 21, 2012.

The importance of the end of the Mayan calendar has been a growing number of books during the last months. He has even presented on several programs on the channel history as well. In General, there is a difference of opinion about what is happening on 21/12/2012. Some think it's a day for the destruction of planet Earth and human life. Others believe that we are a spiritual awakening unprecedented. Some predict a global financial crisis. For others, an asteroid is the harbinger of doom. New sites appear almost daily on the Internet to promote all these unfortunate results worldwide.

In addition, new books on the subject arrive every month in local bookstores. Journalist Lawrence Joseph forecasts widespread disaster in "Apocalypse 2012: A Scientific Investigation Into civilization End." Spiritual healer Andrew Smith predicted the restoration of a "true balance between Divine feminine and masculine" in "the revolution of 2012: Vol. 1, preparation". In 2012, Daniel Pinchbeck provides a "change in the nature of consciousness," assisted by knowledgeable native and psychedelic drug use. His book "2012: the return of Quetzalcoatl" has a circulation designed for selling over 40,000 copies.

The end of the Mayan calendar is said to coincide with a galactic alignment in which Sun will align with the Centre of the Milky Way Galaxy. It is said that this rare event occurs every 26,000 years, and some predict could have potentially catastrophic consequences. It is the theory that the day of the winter solstice in 2012, Sun will be aligned at the center of the milky way. This alignment could mean that energy which have generally rivers of the Earth from the Centre of the milky way is disturbed on 12/21/12 at 11: 11 am UTC.
Some people argue that this disturbance has the potential to create change in the Earth's poles, which would result in disastrous environmental events. It is also possible that effects change the magnetic polarity of the Sun. In combination with the gravitational forces of the alignment simultaneous to other planets, this result could cause massive solar flares and could even move the axis of the Earth.

It seems really bad, it is not? It is supposed to. Of course, this is all nonsense and hype. The ancient Mayan calendar ends but resets and starts again. The truth is that the Mayans gave up their original calendar for hundreds of years and use modern calendars now. The Maya discovered that modern calendars had better keep track of their vacation.

In fact, the Mayan calendar is not used by anyone today and is not relevant. There is no relationship at the end of the Mayan calendar and the end of time. The Sun approaching not the center of the milky way less than 5 degrees approximately and that happens not December 21, but December 18 and not only in 2012, but every year.

All stories, prophecies and science are fiction at the time of humbug. The hype of the date offers advertising to sell books, goods, survival equipment, and television. History Channel seems so desperate for spectators and the ratings that it has started at the end of the Mayan calendar hype for five years in advance. We have seen this already in the years preceding the start of this Millennium. Now we can expect it even once in the next few years leading to 21 12, 2012.

The formula for the end of the world doomsday prophecy is always the same. It comes from the ancient world. Its base encircles a certain date or time period in the future. There is always a special lighting beyond the advances of modern science on how things really work. Historically, there are waves coincidences embellished lead to believe that a solid base for these future doomsday prognostications. It is designed to play on our fear. The facts are created using smoke and mirrors. As any fraud, the true intention is to separate US dollars in our portfolios.

Of course, the reality is that the it should be an objective basis for us in the coming years. This goal is to survive hype Huckster of global apocalypse in the Mayan Calendar end December 21, 2012. Indeed, the revelation of the end of this century crowd returns with a new date of humbug. We send far in keeping our money out of their sight.

James William Smith has worked in management positions for some of the largest financial Services companies at United States twenty-five years. It also provided support and consulting firms to start-up companies and insurance agencies. It has always been interested in writing and to listen to different points of view on interesting topics.

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