Friday, February 25, 2011

End of The Days-Apocalypse 2012 : Why December 12 2012?

The popularity of 2012 has struck a chord with a wide cross-section of people. It has become of interest to a list that includes:

  •  New Agers
  •  Novelists
  •  Scientists
  •  Evangelists of all types
  •  Mass Media – including press, television, film, and the Internet
  •  Survivalists
  •  Authors of short stories, comic books, graphic novels, and novellas
  •  Designers of interactive video games
  •  Apocalyptic supporters and deniers

Overall, the year 2012 has become a focal point for millions of people around the world, although admittedly, the epic center of this timely tsunami is the United States or, at least, North America.

Katrina New Orleands:Signs of Apocalypse

While disaster scenarios and apocalyptic literature have always been popular fodder for a certain segment of the public, 2012 has drawn more than its fair share of attention. So much seems to center on a date that is rapidly approaching. This begs the question: "Why 2012," or, more precisely, why December 21, 2012?

There are two specific sources using actual dates – the Mayan Calendar and the prophecies of Nostradamus. These are the most quoted sources of the specific era and date. There is also an argument supporting the date existing within the Bible – or actually the Jewish Torah – the first five books of the Christian Bible. Early and later prophets do not stipulate the exact year. They do refer, however, to increasing activity in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.

Nostradamus is not exact in his timing. His prophecies stretch far into the future, including beyond 2012 to at least 2025.1 Some authors believe his prophecies actually extend as far as 3797. The exact dates concerning Nostradamus rely substantially upon the interpreter of his works. Nostradamus complicated matters for the reading public (This was a necessity - to protect himself from prosecution) by writing in quatrain verse form.

This is not the first example of creating deliberate confusion. It is an age-old problem with prophets and prophecies. As far back as the ancient Greeks, the famed Pythoness spoke in riddles, as did the fabled Sybil.

 1 P. Lorie. Nostradamus 2003-2025. A History of the Future (New York, 2002); and M. Rutherford. The Nostradamus Code. World War III, 2007-2012 (New York, 2006).
 2 C. Barrios. The Book of Destiny. Unlocking the Secrets of the Ancient Mayans and the Prophecy of 2012 (New York, 2009), 97-99.

3 G. Braden. Fractal Time: The Secret of 2012 and a New World Age (Carlsbad, California, 2009).

 To further complicate the issue, the author Carlos Barrios makes an interesting claim. It indirectly ties the seer Nostradamus to the Mayans. According to Barrios, Nostradamus knew about Mayan forms of divination. He acquired them through working with a doctor, Ulrico de Maguncia (or Ulrich von Maguncen), who had lived and studied the Mayan way of life. Unlike other invaders, he willingly became familiar with their culture.

This had occurred when de Maguncia arrived with the Spanish Conquistadores. He first came into contact with the Mayans in Chichén Itzá, Mexico.2 He disappeared with some ambassadors into the jungle. Maguncia did not emerge until after 14 years had passed. It was then that he returned to Europe, where he met and taught, among others, Nostradamus.

According to The Bible Code, the year 2012 is a prominent one. Michael Drosnin, the author, specifically notes the date as being significant. He decodes the Jewish Torah to discover the Hebrew year 5772 (our year 2012) to coincide with the Mayan calendar end date. It is a theory supported by others.

This includes author Gregg Braden. His book, Fractal Time: The Secret of 2012 and a New World Age3, explores the various theories on 2012 and discusses the specific choice of date.

Yet, it is only the Aztecs and the Mayans who are definitive in the date of 2012. The Mayan calendar, which the Aztecs also closely adhered to, is specific. The year 2012 is when the current calendar system comes to an end. What this means will come under discussion in later chapters. What also requires exploration is the choice of the exact date found only in the Mayan and Aztec calendars: December 21, 2012.

The winter solstice is a significant time of the year for those who follow a seasonal calendar.4 In the Northern Hemisphere, including Europe, this is the shortest day of the year. It is a time of imbalance. It is a time when the male gods are in charge of the hunt.

The winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere also marks the return of the sun. It is the beginning of the lengthy journey back towards longer days and shorter nights. With the start of the Winter Solstice, the sun and the planet take the first steps on the journey from darkness to light. The next high point of this journey is the Summer Equinox when the days and the nights are equal.

While the authors make much of the choice of December 21, 2012, little is made mention of the obvious difference between the two hemispheres concerning this date. On continents such as South America and Australia, it is summer not winter. The shortest day for them comes in June, not in December. In December, Australia and other southern climates are enjoying the longest day on December 21.

This still makes it a Winter Solstice, but the implications are different depending upon where you live. In the Southern Hemisphere, the planet is on its journey into the dark half of the year; in the Northern Hemisphere, the world is spinning towards light.

What marks the two types of solstice, and is worth due consideration, is the movement of the planet towards a time of balance. This, as many modern and ancient prophets note, is the ultimate result of the 2012 period. While doomsayers declare it to be the "End of The World," many declare this not to be so. The Winter Solstice merely indicates change. It may be sometimes violent, but the ultimate result is for the best, as it means balance and harmony.

Winter Solstice

The Winter Solstice becomes a symbol of the ongoing change that is typical of the natural world. It is seasonal movement from one phase of life into another one proceeding gradually like Mother Earth. The Mayan date chosen to mark the end of the Mayan Calendar reflects perfectly the concept of gradual shifting and a time of change. As is the case of nature, December 21 can be violent or pastoral in its passage from 2012 into 2013 and beyond.

This Post is only the first two pages of my e-book End of the Days-Apocalypse 2012 if you want to learn more about this and other amazing secrets behind the end of the days visit my web page

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